Philosophy of Direct Meditation
- We are all part of a larger, divine Universal Intelligence, and this divinity rests unrecognised within most people.
- The reality which we experience as our daily lives, is just part of what is available to us, constrained by the limitations of "normal" consciousness, and the physical bodies which sustain us.
- Every person is on a journey, the purpose of which is to move closer to achieving a sustained, conscious oneness with the Universal Intelligence.
- The experiences and challenges that characterise our lives, give us an unlimited number of opportunities to choose the paths that we will follow, and it is the choices we make every day in every way, which progress, or slow us on our journeys.
- Through deep meditation we are able to come closer to "knowing" the Universal Intelligence, and to receiving the inspiration and energy to make choices that are imbued with love and wisdom.
- Direct Meditation is a form of deep meditation that, for those who find themselves available to the experience, suggests profound changes in our perspective on life and reality, redefining the meaning and purpose of our personal journeys, and confirming our capacity to improve every situation upon which we bring focus.
- Direct Meditation helps practitioners to recognise and thank the blockages to our "knowing" the Universal Intelligence, and then to move beyond our usual consciousness to a place closer to the Divine Core
Core Values of Direct Meditation
The core values of Direct Meditation are:
For the Universal Intelligence
For the experience of deep meditation
For ourselves, and the purpose we are fulfilling
For the diversity within each group
For the experiences of fellow meditators
For others, in all our interactions.